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After AI Song Received Grammy Nomination, Young Guru Declares "I Told Y'all So"

Sep 8, 2023 0 comments

Young Guru

There has been a lot of debate about the probable favorites and dark horse possibilities for all the major prizes as the Grammy qualifying window is about to close. But a news item that stunned many followers and started splitting people online was slipped into the mix. The song "heart on my sleeve" was written earlier this year by a musician by the name of ghostwriter. The Weeknd and Drake's vocals were artificial intelligence (AI) developed for the song, which caused controversy. Unexpectedly, the song was put forward for the Grammy Awards in 2019. And maybe even more unexpectedly, it was approved.

Online fans reacted to the news in a number of ways, although many in the music business disagree with the song's award status. One of them is Young Guru, who has forewarned fans more than anyone else about the potential impact of AI music. In February, when an AI-generated Kendrick Lamar song surfaced, he first declared the risks of the technology. He referred to the song as a "groundbreaking but dangerous moment" before many people had even brought up the potential future effects of AI.


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