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Boss Moves: Buckshot starts Triple Threat Sneaker company

Jun 19, 2014 0 comments

Hip hop has always been about being indie and that's what Buckshot is doing with the sneaker game. He started a new line of sneakers called Triple Threat and he is not only making a sneaker but developing a company to help others make sneakers. People will be able to come to Buckshot and get their own shoes designed from scratch. They will be able to make their own companies and get them into the stores. I think this is a really incredible idea and it will work. Don't get it twisted, anybody can call a manufacturer and get a sneaker designed and its not that expensive but no one in hip hop has become the go to person for designing and production. So him wanting to become the go to person for sneaker development will motivate more people to want to do the same and it will put more money into our communities and it could force the larger organizations to put more money in the hip hop communities. So great work Buck!


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